Hypertension, commonly called high blood pressure, is a common problem for many patients today. If hypertension is not diagnosed and carefully controlled, it can result in some serious health problems such as strokes. Internal medicine physicians Devang Shah, MD, and Nimisha Shah, MD, at Morgan Hill Internal Medicine in Morgan Hill, California, are an experienced team who know how to help hypertension sufferers take control of their health. If you’re suffering from hypertension, call the practice or book your appointment online.
request an appointmentWhat are the symptoms of hypertension?
Hypertension has very few obvious symptoms, especially in its early stages. It’s sometimes called a silent disease because most patients only find out about their hypertension when they’re receiving medical treatment for one of the consequences of high blood pressure or for another condition entirely. While hypertension symptoms are hard to recognize, that doesn’t mean it’s a harmless condition. It impacts all parts of the body, and it can be deadly if not treated.
What are the consequences of untreated high blood pressure?
Patients with hypertension can suffer very severe consequences if they don’t get medical treatment. Some of the potential consequences of hypertension include:
- Stroke
- Vision problems, including loss of vision
- Heart failure
- Heart attack
- Kidney disease
- Kidney failure
- Peripheral artery disease
How can you prevent hypertension?
Knowing your blood pressure numbers is a great start in preventing hypertension. Each time that you visit Morgan Hill Internal Medicine, your blood pressure will be checked and your provider will discuss it with you if your numbers are high.
If you have risk factors for hypertension, for example, if it runs in your family, you need to be extra careful to keep track of your blood pressure numbers. A healthy lifestyle can be helpful in preventing hypertension. This means achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy and well-rounded diet, and exercising on a regular basis.
What is the treatment for hypertension?
It depends on the individual. Your provider will create a hypertension care plan just for you, based upon your blood pressure numbers and your health. In some cases, lifestyle changes can get hypertension under control. This may include losing weight, changing dietary habits, and starting to exercise regularly.
In some cases, patients need extra help in lowering their blood pressure. There are medications that can help bring blood pressure back down to healthy levels again. These medications are taken on a daily basis, and your provider will monitor your blood pressure changes to determine if they’re effective for you. While medication can be very helpful, it’s only one component of high blood pressure management. A healthy lifestyle should still be maintained.
Call Morgan Hill Internal Medicine today to discuss your hypertension treatment options.